Sunday, 10 April 2011

Almost Day 8

The end of day seven (4 days chemo break) has arrived and tommorrow is Day 8 (the last day of this months chemo regimen) ......  hoorrahhh and then a 21 day chemo break.
Kirstin has felt good yesterday and today. Today she elected to cut and style her hair (slightly shorter) in preparation for the dreaded effects of the 'red drip', and she looks amazing.

So on Day 7 the side effects are:
Fatigue but she is determined not to let it get to her
Slight sensitivity to light but more so in the evening
Short period concentration levels - I am not sure what the problem is here because I have had this side effect all my life.

1 comment:

  1. hair looks great!!!! you looking good girl.

    thinking about you
