Wednesday, 25 May 2011

PET Scan No. 2 - Monday 2011-05-23

A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance (called a tracer) to look for disease in the body. The medical explanation is inserted for those that still may think that a PET Scan is a veterinary science administered by the local animal shelter.

PET Scan 2 was done before Chemo regimen 3 to enable the oncologist to determine whether Kirstin is on the right chemotherapy track. It is a long process but well worth the wait.

Lets go on a walk through into the PET Scan world:

08:00 - The radioactive substance or tracer is injected via the vein. She is then in isolation and the parents are sent to go and keep ourselves busy. The tricky part of this 'tracer' is that she has to lie still and may not move, read or do anything of the sort because any movement affects the tracer spread through the body. And as Kirstin will tell you ....its a long wait!

09:30 - The PET Scan is performed and takes approximately 30 minutes.

10:00 - Kirstin is taken to an isolation room where she must remain for 1 hour because she is 'radioactive'.
11:00 - The medical staff check that all is alright and she is released from isolation.

Work without pleasure would just be plain boring as will medical treatment be without a good laugh every now and again. And yes, Kirstin will find ways to amuse herself in any circumstance!
A huge pregnancy warning signboard is just the opening gap for a 'dash' of amusement.

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